Frode took us on a drive down the Atlantic Rd which goes south from Kristiansund to Molde. We left at 10am to catch a car ferry which took us across to another Island, about a 10min trip. The back of the boat opens up, you drive on, then the front opens up like a jaw and you drive off. we were treated to cold pancakes made with horn salt, aparently the process stinks but once the pancakes are cool they are fluffy and sweet and taste dam good!
It was a stunning day with barley a cloud in sight and calm clear water... i took my togs. Most of the roads in Norway are too narrow for a center line... i dont know why, there is plenty of space. The Atlantic Rd takes you right out by the ocean and over these amazing bridges that hop from island to island. After the islands we check out an old German fort with a great outlook over the ocean.
Swinging in land we went into the mountains, past lots of buildings with sod roofs up to a pass with a cafe where we stoped for tea. Sharon and i didnt realse that this stop was the lunch stop and since the guide (Frode) didnt eat anything we thought that we must be stopping somewhere else... this proved fatal after leaving at 10am we didnt get to eat till 4pm... did i mention HANGRY!!! we werent too badbut it did get a little quiet towards the end. Moral of the story, dont make asssumptions. But we all knew that didnt we.
The drive was a great one and the scenery amazing, but there was a crisp breeze so i opted out for the swim maybe next time... must be getting soft?
Thanks Frode we wont hold a grudge.
Love that bridge! It's 'beautiful' if a bridge ever could be :)