This time I did not brave the mountian and left the boys to that task, both of which enjoyed it and judging by the sore muscles the next day I may not have! Cathrine, Mattis and I walked (well the baby was carried) some of the way up the path with the boys, and turned back when we felt ready for another cup of tea. We ended up walking to where the summer houses where located. These houses are built in the old days to have animals live below them and girls from the ages of 16-20 live above them. These girls where brought up to live in the mountains in the summer to milk the cattle and goats to make cheeses and milk. I would say the men who owned the cattle would not have had any trouble getting thier sons to help with the cattle hearding!
That night the boys went fishing they fished for hours and hours to little avail but did manage to build a fire to roast marshmellows . Us girls stayed home to "look after the baby" which included the very hard task of eating chocolate and once again drinking tea!
The neaxt day was.... My BIRTHDAY! I enjoyed spending the day eating good food going for a walk and heading home after a lovely weekend to eat pizza and cake with a glass or two of red wine mmmm

This sunset lasted for close to two hours, the sun finaly dropped behind the mountain at around 10:30pm. It didnt matter we werent catching anything
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