We woke up at 5:30am (not a pleasant hour I might add - Sharon) to catch the bus from Kristiansund to Oppdal from where we would catch the train to Oslo. It was a cold rainy morning and the bus swayed like a boat as it navigated the winding road around a few of Norway’s many fiords making me feel rather queasy. It was a beautiful drive though with steep mountains and cascading waterfalls the whole way. We where most surprised to see that people actually lived in the mountains on the edge of massive cliffs in the freezing cold and where most of the year they only have dark. Beautiful to pass through, yes, good to live in hmmm very questionable?
We arrived in Oppdal where I was more than happy to get off the bus. Waiting at the train station we saw the only musk ox we would see and found a stunning postcard which pretty much summed up Norway in a nut shell, all business in the front and party in the back :-p. One of you lucky readers will be receiving it in the post. The Train took us high into the mountains where there was still a lot of snow. It was a really scenic trip and well recommended. Though if one wants to buy a simple cup of tea you may get abused for being foreign and being hard to please (apparently even though they did have tea one should only buy black coffee)!
With only an hour in Oslo we didn’t have time to look around but it looked like a nice city scattered around the hills. We did have our fist experience of seeing junkies taking hits in the open park though… very odd!
Our ferry sailed overnight to Denmark and as everything was rather pricey so we brought what we like to call a ‘bucket of fun’ (a massive tub of candy) for Heidi, some of which was eaten (for her own good of course) before it got to Denmark. We sailed into a stiff wind (apparently this is uncommon, lucky us!) and soon the boat was creaking, groaning and swaying as it ploughed through the swells, this made sleeping a challenge. But it was nice to wake up in a new country and a fun experience all the same.
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